Remote Machines Restart Page

Remote Installer can restart remote Machines to complete an install, uninstall or repair process, if required. You can configure the timeout and notification settings to be used when performing a restart on the Remote Machines Restart preference page Pic 1. To reach this page, you should open the program preferences using the Preferences button from the Application Menu and click the Remote Machines Restart link in the navigation bar on the left of the Preferences dialog within the Installer group.

Configuring the remote Machines restart options

Pic 1. Configuring the remote Machines restart options

On the Remote Machines Restart preference page, you can specify if you would like to wait for a specific period of time before performing a reboot if a notification dialog is displayed to a remote user and if it is allowed to cancel the reboot.

For the notification dialog, you are proposed to provide a custom title & message and an additional comment to be displayed to a remote user. For the title, message and comment definitions, you can use the following placeholders that will be replaced with actual values before displaying the notification dialog on a remote Machine:


the name of the user that initiated the remote deployment procedure.


the current time.


the current date.


the current date and time.

You can preview the dialog to be displayed to a remote user by following the Notification Dialog Preview link at the bottom of the preference page.

The Remote Machines Restart preference page is used to configure the common timeout and notification options that are applied to all deployment operations by default, but you can override those options for each operation within the deployment configuration wizard.