Network Host Monitor: Host Availability and Performance Tracking Tool

EMCO Ping Monitor is a host monitoring tool that allows tracking the host statuses and the connection quality of many hosts simultaneously. The program uses ICMP pings to continuously monitor the hosts to check if they are Up or Down and sends notifications when a host status changes. The program also monitors the connection quality of every host to assess it as Good, Warning or Critical using different metrics and sends notifications when the quality changes.

Latest release: Version 9.1.2October 16, 2024

EMCO Ping Monitor: Network Monitoring Tool

The program is a host monitor that interacts with network hosts using ICMP pings to detect their status and connection quality. The program can monitor many hosts simultaneously. The program sends ICMP echo requests to the network hosts and analyzes their echo replies to detect when the host state changes to Up or Down. All host state changes are recorded by the program and corresponding notifications are sent.

The program uses ICMP pings to monitor the host connection quality by analyzing the latest ping results and calculating the uptime, latency and jitter metrics. These metrics are tracked in real-time and used to assess the connection quality as Good, Warning, Bad or Critical. The detected connection quality is displayed by the program. When the connection quality changes, the program sends notifications by e-mail, shows balloons in Windows Tray or plays sounds, depending on the settings you make.

The program provides access to all the collected monitoring data, so you can see detailed statistics for any historical period. The reported information includes a list of outages, the uptime, min/max/avg latency, latency deviation, coefficient of variation (CV) and mean opinion score (MOS). These data are displayed on timeline charts and can be included into reports. You can also export raw ping data into a file to use in external tools.

State Monitor

Features and Benefits: Network Hosts Monitoring

Scalable Monitoring

The program is optimized to monitor a few thousands of hosts. You can select the edition that allows monitoring of the required number of hosts.

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Hosts State Tracking

Automatically detect changes of the host state to Up or Down and send e-mails, show Windows Tray balloons and play sounds upon state changes.

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Connection Quality Tracking

Estimate the quality of host connections using the uptime, latency and jitter metrics and send notifications of the connection quality changes.

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24/7 Monitoring

In the commercial editions of the program, the monitoring server works as a Windows service to enable host monitoring in the 24/7 mode.

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Detailed Statistics

Get access to all the collected monitoring statistics to enable you to assess the host performance during any selected time range and spot the detected problems.

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Multi-User Access

The Enterprise edition of the program works as a client/server and provides simultaneous access to the same monitoring server for multiple clients.

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