What's New in Version 9

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Version 9.1.2

October 16, 2024

New and improved features

  • Compatibility and performance improvements

Resolved issues

  • Security fix for CVE-2022-28944 vulnerability

Version 9.1.1

August 28, 2024

New and improved features

  • Improved error handling for available OAuth mail providers
  • Improved daylight saving time handling in charts

Resolved issues

  • Fixed the Performance chart on the Overview screen
  • Fixed incorrect presentation of Statistics charts for daily periods
  • Fixed notifications in the application's notification center
  • Fixed exceptions related to daylight saving time
  • Fixed invalid HTML report layout for machines that don't belong to a group
  • Fixed an error if an alert condition uses the IP Address field

Version 9.1

July 9, 2024

OAuth authentication for mailboxes

The program now offers OAuth authentication for Gmail and Outlook mailboxes used for sending email notifications. In Preferences, you can select either Gmail or Outlook as your mail provider and authorize the use of your mailbox for email notifications. All mail settings are configured automatically. You can change the account or sign out at any time. Traditional SMTP mail server configuration is also supported if you prefer to use it.

OAuth authentication for mailboxes

Resolved issues

  • Fixed switching to the Standard Latency Measurement provider
  • Fixed NullReferenceException error reported in some cases
  • Fixed an error reported during daylight saving time change
  • Fixed a duplicate key error when working with Statistics

Version 9.0.9

September 14, 2023

New and improved features

  • Detailed report configuration improvements
  • Performance and Windows compatibility improvements

Version 9.0.8

July 31, 2023

New and improved features

  • Compatibility improvements with the new Windows builds

Resolved issues

  • Group email notifications sometimes include messages from previous time periods

Version 9.0.6

March 24, 2023

New and improved features

  • Improved email notification templates
  • Improved stability of ping results in some environments

Version 9.0.5

December 17, 2022

Resolved issues

  • UI sometimes crashes on sound and balloon notifications
  • Internal Server Error: can't find the Quality property

Version 9.0.3

November 10, 2022

Resolved issues

  • Sometimes a client reconnects to the server while a user is trying to edit host settings
  • An error on copy/paste in some cases

Version 9.0.2

October 25, 2022

Resolved issues

  • An error reported when there are other docking windows beside documents in the documents zone
  • An exception in the PingMonitor desktop UI under certain conditions when a host state changes
  • Time zone handling: Europe/Kiev was officially renamed to Europe/Kyiv

Version 9.0

October 5, 2022

Introducing Alerts

The program introduces alerts that help you to discover current problems with monitored host. You can configure as many alerts in the program as you need. Each alert uses a custom condition based on real-time host monitoring characteristics, so once the condition is satisfied for a monitored host, the program reports an alert for that host. The program displays a total number of current alerts in Overview and also displays a list of alerts in Alerts Summary, so you can see all detected problems for monitored hosts. You can acknowledge alerts for the selected period while working on resolving the problem. A list of acknowledged and active alerts can be reviewed separately to help you navigating through the current monitoring problems.

Introducing Alerts

Managing Alerts and Notifications

The program allows you to configure alerts in the program preferences. The program provides predefined alerts that are reported when host states are changed to Down or connection quality is changed to Bad or Critical, but you can create custom alerts. You can use any real-time monitoring characteristics in the alert condition, including host state, quality, packet loss, latency, jitter, etc. The program can send notifications and execute custom actions when alerts are started and ended. You can assign notifications and custom actions to alerts and host state/quality change events and configure notification settings.

Managing Alerts and Notifications

Document Interface

The program introduces document-based interface. Now all monitoring data are represented in a document, you can navigate through it to see specific monitoring characteristics, such as Alerts, Hosts Statistics, Hosts State and Hosts Quality. Each document works with its own set of hosts, so you can open multiple documents represented different host. Each document has its own navigation and UI settings, so you can use different data filtering, grouping and sorting settings in different documents. You can create custom layout to organize multiple documents on the screen according with your needs.

Document Interface

Program Navigation Improvements

The program now provides improved navigation, so you can quickly switch between screens representing different data. Now all monitored data are represented in the document interface. You can use the navigation bar to open different pages representing information about all hosts, such as Overview, Statistics Summary, Alerts Summary, State Summary and Quality Summary. You can also drill-down to the host level and review hosts statistics, alerts, state and quality. All monitoring information about all hosts and for a single host is available in the same document view.

New Overview Screen

Overview now displays additional information, including host performance statistics for a specific period, so you can see on the chart how performance of the monitored hosts changed over time. You can also see an interactive chart with alerts, so you can see how many alerts are currently active and acknowledged.

State/Quality Data Representation as a Table

The new table format of data representation is available for State Summary and Quality Summary. It allows representing the information about the current hosts state/quality as a table, where each host is represented as a table row and monitoring metrics are represented as the table columns. You can use data sorting, grouping and filtering options to organize the table data.

State/Quality Data Representation as a Table

Improved Host Statistics

Now all hosts statistics collected for a host is represented on a single screen the displays host performance, availability, latency, quality metrics as well as the chart displaying real-time ping tracking and other charts representing latency and uptime, state and data for a selected period. You can also find host state and quality intervals and host events on the same screen. You don't need to switch to the different views to see all these data. Now they are represented on the single screen.

Improved Host Statistics

Activity Chart in the Hosts View

At the bottom of the Hosts view you can find a chart representing hosts activity, so you can see how many hosts are monitored, paused or not monitored. The chart is interactive, so you can click specific activity valued to apply a filter and display those hosts in the view.

Activity Chart in the Hosts View

Custom Fields Improvements

Now you can specify default values for custom fields in the program preferences, if required, and override them on for a host or for a group. You can display host values in the Hosts view and apply data sorting, grouping and filtering using custom fields values. To display custom fields you can use a column chooser for the hosts table.

Overriding Global Settings

You can override settings provided in the program preferences for a group or for a host. The program allows you to override alerts and notification settings, so you can enable and disable alerts and notifications for a host or for a group. You can also override e-mail recipients and notification activation time to configure custom schedule for a host or for a group.