Maintaining Alternate Credentials
To specify alternate credentials in Network Inventory the Alternate Credentials pane should be filled with the information on the network structure to set the credentials for. This can be reached both automatically, on a basis of the network structure in the Machine Tree or by manually adding each element to provide credentials for.
Auto Create
Automatic creation is used to build the Alternate Credentials tree structure on a basis of the network structure in the Machine Tree. You can create the appropriate credentials nodes for the Groups only or for the Groups and Machines, depending on a selected option. Both this options are available in the drop-down of the Auto Create button located on the tool bar of the Alternate Credentials pane.
Add Group
It is also possible to add a group manually using the Group option of the Add button located on the tool bar of the Alternate Credentials pane. After the group is created it is displayed as a child of the item selected. You can rename it and set the appropriate credentials.
Add Machine
To add a single Machine to the alternate credentials choose Machine option of the Add button located on the tool bar of the Alternate Credentials pane. After the Machine is created it is displayed as a child of the item selected. You can rename it and set the appropriate credentials.
When you are creating a credentials item manually or the network item name is changed within your network environment you are to rename the credentials node for this item. To rename the item select in the Alternate Credentials pane and press Rename button on the tool bar of the Alternate Credentials pane.
Sometimes you do not need the specific credentials for the network item any more. Of course you can just reset the credentials for this item, but if you want your credentials structure to be accurate you are to remove such item. To remove the item select it in the Alternate Credentials pane and press Remove button on the tool bar of the Alternate Credentials pane. The confirmation dialog will appear on the screen – press Yes button to proceed with removing.