Analyzing Statistics

Ping Monitor gathers and stores per host performance and availability data while monitoring remote hosts connectivity. This data consists of the live statistics, integral historical statistics and raw historical data. You can review the monitoring statistics within on the Statistics page of the document, located at the center of the main screen. Let's take a detailed look on each layer of the monitoring data.

The live statistics is gathered while the server is running and restored on startup from raw historical data, in case if the raw data is configured to be persisted. The available live statistics intervals are provided within the Live Data section of the Monitoring Statistics preference page.

The historical data is stored hourly since the first time the monitoring was started. For each hour, all required characteristics are available: the monitoring time, the pause time, the uptime interval, the downtime interval, all latency characteristics, etc. This approach allows Ping Monitor to provide you with monitoring data for specific periods of time in the past with the maximum precision of one hour. Along with the hourly integrated data it is possible to store the raw responses data, that can be used to review Timeline and restore live statistics on restart. By default, the program stores all historical data for all hosts ever monitored until their statistics is deleted. If required, you can prevent the history database from continuous growing by configuring the historical data automatic removal or by disabling raw data storing in the Historical Data section of the Monitoring Statistics preference page.

Delete Statistics

Delete Statistics

The Delete Statistics button from the Statistics Ribbon group on the Home page should be used to delete all monitoring data for the selected hosts.

In case you want to begin the host monitoring from scratch, you do not need to delete the host and then create a new one. Ping Monitor provides you with an option of deleting the monitoring data for any host even without stopping the monitoring process. To delete all monitoring data for a host, select it and press the Delete Statistics button from the Statistics Ribbon group on the Home page. Alternatively, you can use the Delete Statistics button on the toolbar and the corresponding item from the pop-up menu.

Please note, that both live data, historical data and summary data will be permanently deleted when deleting monitoring statistics, so it won't be possible to generate historical data reports and review statistics for previous monitoring sessions.

If you have enable the raw data storing, you can review the monitoring timeline and export the information on each ping reply any time you want from the Statistics view while reviewing single host details. Just use the Timeline and the Export Raw Data buttons in the view header.

Choosing the raw data export period

Pic 1. Choosing the raw data export period

The Export Raw Data Wizard will be displayed on the screen to guide you through the export process. You can either choose to export raw ping replies data for a specific period of time or entire data set Pic 1. The data is exported to the specified CSV file when you press the Finish button on the data export wizard after providing the required information.