Controlling Activity

Ping Monitor is used to check the remote host state and connection quality and notify the user on changes. The state and connection quality checks are performed only when the monitoring process is active. The monitoring process can be activated either automatically on the server startup, if this is enabled on the Automation preference page, or manually. Then the process can be either paused or stopped both automatically and manually. This chapter will show you how to control the monitoring process activity.



The Start button from the Activity Ribbon group on the Home page should be used to start monitoring for the currently selected hosts.

The monitoring process can be activated automatically on startup in two cases: either the host monitoring was active at the end of the previous session and it is configured to restore activity for hosts or the host is included in auto-start and it is configured to start monitoring for such hosts.

To start a monitoring manually for specific hosts, you can select those hosts in the Hosts view and press the Start button on the Activity Ribbon group located on the Home page. You can also start monitoring by clicking the Start Monitoring item in the pop-up menu or the Start item on the Manage Activity button drop-down available on the toolbar. The Statistics view can be used to start monitoring too.



The Stop button from the Activity Ribbon group on the Home page allows you to stop monitoring for the currently selected hosts.

With Ping Monitor, it is possible to stop the monitoring process for any host being monitored any time you want. If you want to stop monitoring for hosts, select them in the Hosts or Statistics view and press the Stop button from the Activity Ribbon group on the Home page. Alternatively you can use the Stop Monitoring item from the pop-up menu or the Stop item from the Manage Activity button drop-down on the toolbar.



The Pause button from the Activity Ribbon group on the Home page allows you to pause monitoring for the currently selected hosts.



The Resume button from the Activity Ribbon group on the Home page should be used to resume monitoring for the currently selected hosts.

With Ping Monitor, it is possible to pause the monitoring process any time you want. While the monitoring process is paused, the ping packets are not sent to the remote hosts and the ping statistics stays the same until the monitoring process is resumed. To pause monitoring manually, select the required host and press the Pause button from the Activity Ribbon group on the Home page. Alternatively you can use the Pause Monitoring item from the pop-up menu or the Pause item from the Manage Activity button drop-down on the toolbar. It can also be paused automatically upon a certain predefined condition for a specified interval using the automation features of Ping Monitor. If the monitoring is paused, you can restart its operation using the Resume Monitoring menu item, or stop it completely using the Stop Monitoring menu item.